Peter Wik

Peter Wik has been traveling the world since childhood. He has visited over 60 countries and some of them up to a hundred times. Peter is the owner of Relasian Travel & Event based in Stockholm, Sweden but constantly on the road. Peter is a foodie and loves to try new food around the world. Here he shares his favorite gems from places high and low around the world to make you go local yet being global. Peter lives in Stockholm and Paris.

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Panjiayuan Flea Market in Beijing, China

Panjiayuan Flea Market
I have been coming to this Flea Market since it started over 20 years ago when it was called the "dirt market". Here people used to come from the country side with antiques to sell to the people of Beijing to earn some money. The days when you could find great old things are gone but it is still a fun place to pick up things to decorate your house. The market is open every day but during weekends people still come here to sell some of their own things. Here you find a lot of copies of antiques, old books. Mao memorabilia, photos, ceramics etc. Have fun and bargain a lot! The earlier the better on Saturdays or Sundays is better. I am usually there about 05.00 in the morning!
Panjiayuan is situated by the 3rd East Ring Road in Beijing.